Review: Silk Ceremonial Matcha – Chiki Tea

Cultivars: Saemidori

Origin: Yame, Fukuoka

Vintage: Unknown


This matcha comes from Yame, a southern city in Japan. Although the farmer is unknow, we do know that they used traditional rice straw shading (honzu) during the growing process. This matcha was also hand picked, making it superior to machine harvesting. With hand picked teas, only the best, most tender leaves are used.

A fun tidbit from Chiki Tea’s website about this matcha:

“one 40g can of Matcha takes 2.5 hours to mill, producing a powder that is finer than smoke”

Tasting Notes

Opening the tine, you first notice the color of the matcha: a medium green. The dry aroma is wonderful and deeply fragrant. I get bitter dark chocolate mixed with a vegetal sweetness similar to sweet corn. The wet aroma reveals a leafy greens and some roasty undertones.

The mouthfeel is extremely smooth and silky (prefect for it’s name “Silk”). This matcha produces a huge amount of foam which makes it even smoother. It has a soft umami and an ever so slight bitterness which acts as a nice balance. After letting the flavors settle, you are left with an ever so slight astringency and a light, mouthwatering savoryness.


I truly love this matcha. Everything from the scent to the flavor checks all my boxes. I can see this being a great everyday matcha as it’s not too heavy. Just light and smooth on the plate. An easy 5 stars in my book.

Pick some up for yourself: Silk – Chiki Tea

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