Review: Washimine Ceremonial Matcha – Nio Tea

Cultivars: Okumidori

Origin: Kyoto (region unknown)

Vintage: unknown


This matcha is an Okumidori produced in Kyoto by the Nakai family. The Nakai family has a deep history in Japanese tea. In fact, Mr. Nakai’s father is one of the people involved in the creation of the JAS logo you see on certified organic teas in Japan! As you would suspect Washimine is an organic matcha.

Unfortunately no other details on the matcha were shared. Because not specified, it is same to assume this matcha was machine harvested.


The color of Washimine is a faded green with a definite yellow undertone. Okimidori is a cultivar known for its saturated green color so the fact that this matcha isn’t is an indication that corners may have been cut during production, it is not fresh, or it was improperly stored.

The dry matcha smell was quite fruity and sweet. Upon adding water it revealed asparagus notes.

The foaming ability on this matcha was superb and imparted an airy mouthfeel to an otherwise heavy matcha. This matcha had a muted but marine focused umami. The strong marine notes made it unique compared to most of the other Okumidoris I’ve had. There was a present astringency that built with each sip. After a couple sips in, it was difficult to ignore and thought it detracted from the taste.


I’m typically a big fan of Okumidori, but this had a stronger astringency than I normally prefer. Unfortunately astringency and muted flavors is to be expected in an organic matcha like Washimine. The lack of heavy fertilization often means the leaves aren’t as nutrient/flavor packed as their non-organic counterparts. While I can’t recommend this matcha for drinking as usucha (just water), I can see this being good for lattes as the strong flavor will punch through the milk.

If you are looking for a matcha for usucha, I would push you towards Nio Tea’s Chanoka Silver matcha instead.

Pick some up for yourself:  Washimine Ceremonial Matcha – Nio Tea

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